
Monday, January 27, 2014

"Mom, you're beautiful"

I must write some sweet moments of a new day where I am giving my 100% to my family. Yes, I am resolved to put my family's needs ahead of mine, as most moms do. I haven't lived up to that as much as I imagined I would have. I've been burnt for a long time and selfish too. But I've been climbing out of that fog recently and the sun feels good!

Up and at it at 6:15, even though I got to sleep around 12 or 1ish. No sleeping in just a little longer. I rather enjoy less than hectic mornings, as do our sweet girls.What to eat for breakfast? We love oatmeal bites. I only used a tbsp. of mini chocolate chips to make it appealing, but less sugar. There's enough! Didn't have the flax or wheat germ handy, nor the vanilla and I used agave instead of honey because Katie's not a huge fan of the flavor. Yes, I understand that agave may be as bad as corn syrup, but by golly we're using up the huge container we have of it. I seriously made a peace sign out of the balls. It was awesome. Those sat in the fridge as the sleepy heads made their way out of bed. I read a few stories from the children's New Testament stories. I'm striving to be a good Christian Mama here and it felt good inside to read about Jesus as our day began!

Clothes were actually clean, with no holes or major stains, shoes lined up at door and coats hung up on our new coat rack courtesy of Rob's handyman work. Thank you babe! I LOVE it. We made it to the bus in time, barely :-P We really need to get into the habit of heading out the door 5 minutes earlier, at least, so if anyone is taking their sweet time we can still make it.

I found an AWESOME station called Sistas in Zion and listened to a great interview of Garth Smith, a Dad of 10 kids. I appreciate hearing how FUN and GREAT it is to raise a large family. That's what I imagined before I had kids! Granted ours is half the size, but it's large, nonetheless! And yes, it is great and fun sometimes, but I want that theme to stretch a little farther and more often than it has the last few years. He had good advice, showed his imperfection, but true effort and care in the way he and his wife approached their kids. He's the author of Wiring Kids for Success in Life. Definitely on my bucket list, as I shift my priorities and interest in what matters absolutely most. My family. PS He's from Idaho ;-)

While I listened to these two sassy, comical Sistas, Addy and I folded some laundry and she wanted to put them all away, giddy as can be, for having a job and feeling big. She is our sunshine, no doubt.

My Dad came over and we visited and talked in depth as we often do. He's one of the few people on earth I do that with and I appreciate that so much. Really the only one, besides a few rare moments with friends. Just like his Mom called him once and said she missed their conversations, if he weren't around I would feel the same way by far. I miss talking to Grandma Slocum too.

We headed out to pick up Bri from school and get a bite to eat. We ended up at Olive Garden. I started counting calories today on and man alive I knew Olive Garden would be tricky! I still enjoyed myself and cut my lunch right in half... and still ate 900 calories including my 2 breadsticks and salad. Wowza! So I totally went over today. Some chocolate didn't help, but I actually felt hungry a couple times today and THAT says something. If I actually stick to this I could apparently lose the 30lbs I want to, by August. Oh would that be joyous!

I quit Facebook temporarily. I said it could be for a few hours or a few days and it's kind of both. I have been on a couple times, but I've done no commenting or liking of anything so I don't get any feedback and I deactivated my account each time I logged off so it lessens the information I receive. I've also spent WAY LESS time on the computer and more one on one time with my wee ones which is the whole point. Love is spelled T.I.M.E.

Dad snoozed for a bit after we got home. I could feel that nap calling my name after all the awesome carbs we enjoyed. I had water though, not soda! Every little bit counts. Pat on the back ;-)

Oh, and this morning I whipped the upstairs into shape. Picked up and vacuumed, our home is so very pleasant and beautiful. I did get to the kitchen towards dinner and still have a few dishes, but its much better. Bedrooms are in serious need of clean-up but I'm hoping to clear some room in the laundry area before adding to it. Also threw together a crockpot meal. Getting dinner on the table consistently has not been a talent of mine, but it will be my friend. It will.

Dad left after a bit and I got us ready to skidaddle. We picked up the 3 big girls to head off to jump roping. I offered to take our neighbor girl who's babysitter lives right near the school this clinic is at. She did awesome! Bri is also getting better and holy cow, Katie can do some tricks now. Amazing how it works if you keep at it. We've only done it a few weeks. Emma didn't feel 100% today and she's not as enthused with it, but she's tried quite a bit and I hope she will continue. If they all learned it we'd have our own team right here on our street ;-) The way it works is that this is a free clinic taught weekly by ProForm Airborne Jump Rope Team. Pre-teens and teens are the teachers. The kids in the clinic have to learn several things before moving to the next group. There are several groups. If you get through it all you have the opportunity to join the team. The first thing is to jump rope 25 times in a row and then you're learning different ways of doing it right off the bat. I'll have to get a video of Katie's new moves on here!

Speaking of her, she just became a 'Star Student' which means she's being very responsible and getting her work done. 90% of the time she finishes her daily math homework before she gets off the bus for me to pick her up. Go Katie! We're determined to get busier with spelling, as that is a challenge.

Emma is happier with school these days. Sadly, a girl that used to be her best friend, but seemed to be causing issues with this group of 3 girls, left the school and Emma's been happier ever sense. I hope she's happier too. I volunteered in her classroom last week to help kids read and she was so happy I came. I'm glad too because I feel awful this is the first time this school year.

Bri seems to like school, though she doesn't like to sit too long. She thrives on being physical so if she doesn't get a long recess (they have to finish at least '3 works' during work time) she's pretty bummed. I was in her class room two weeks ago and she LOVED that I came. It is so amazing to see the work they can do. I do love the Montessori method. This week or next I plan on checking out Katie's class, though I don't know that parent volunteers are as common since it's a 5th and 6th grade class (with a few 4th graders like Katie).

So jump roping went great. We headed home and Brooklyn wanted to do her homework so Emma and Bri wanted to do theirs too! Well, they don't get homework, but we had stuff they could work on and boy were they happy to do it. Too cute. I think it would be wise to add in homework through out the week, but my focus for now is just trying to get them each to read or be read to daily which is task I have rarely met consistently. We're doing better and I can tell we're all happier for it. Katie loves finding out how many "AR points" her books are because she needs to read 25 points worth by February sometime. Gotta find out exactly when! If she likes a book she gets sucked it. If it's not her thing or too overwhelming, forget it. Her favorites are horse books of course.

After dinner Katie had her Family Home Evening lesson proudly planned out from yesterday and she did wonderfully. She chose 'service' and even made this awesome 3D 'circle of service' display. You know how you can make a line of paper dolls stuck together? On her first try she did it fine, stapled them into a circle and glue-gunned them standing up on a sheet of paper. She is so stinkin' creative, it's unreal!

The girls were happy and wild as we concluded with "Walking the dogs is fun to do," a Primary song that I made into a crazy tradition totally by accident. Once upon a time mom was showing the girls how to pretend walking an imaginary dog while singing above song. Then out of no where the imaginary dog yanked mom really hard and away I went, which followed with hysterical laughter. That was probably a couple years ago with few FHEs since but they won't forget it. We have had it for 4 weeks in a row, half of it with Rob. I honestly don't know that we've ever done that in Katie's nearly 10 years of life. I'm so glad we are.

Yes, my baby is going to be double digits. I have Art Lessons (with homework involved) planned for her starting next week. It's s surprise she'll soon know. She's wanted lessons for a few years now and the woman teaching it is a certified art teacher just 10 or 15 minutes away. The best part? She got all the supplies she needs for the class from Christmas! That was perfection. Okay, the best part is actually that she's going to get structured lessons on something she loves and has talent in. Oh the places she'll go. I know the same goes for all of our girls. She's just at that age where it's starting to shine more and more. I've told Rob that it's entirely possible that our children have more mature or older spirits than we do and they chose us, to help us get where we need to be.

Lastly, we managed to get ready for bed with only a bit of mayhem, but it was all happy thankfully. I tucked everyone in the same room, as they like to do sometimes. We sang a few songs together. I usually sing just one to Bri because she requests it almost every night. It was loverly to sing with my girls and feel Megan getting cuddling and getting sleepy in my arms in the dark. Addy was whining a bit because she knew what was coming and I admit she is my 2nd 3 year old that hasn't been taught to go to bed and stay there. I've been too lazy or 'done' which is no excuse. Bri was 4 before she went to bed properly. I plan to have Addy adjusted to a healthy reality of bed time before her 4th birthday.

Then I laid down with Megan and Addy because Megan wasn't quite ready to lay in her bed. She quickly fell back to sleep and it was perfectly quiet for several minutes. Prayers of gratitude. After laying Megan down in her bed, I laid next to Addy and our faces were close together. "You're beautiful Mom," says that sweet, honest, sincere voice of my 3 year old Adelynn Faith. I thanked her and said the same to her. THOSE are the moments that make this crazy life of a Motherhood worth it. I know I'll get to have more of them, perhaps not compliments very often, but awesome moments of enjoyment with my kids, as I put my energy into them and their wants, needs, and talents.

Eventually, everyone but Katie was asleep. I had dozed off and thought 'if I was smart I would get some pjs on and go to sleep right now.' I couldn't resist the quiet of the night and I am so happy it began at 9 o'clock, not 11!!!

I have felt the yearning of a radical paradigm shift and a Spiritual Journey NOW recently. The choices I'm making are because of these desires, which will ultimately lead to what I want most in life, a happy joyous, whole family.

Here is to a great Monday to begin our week. With love and gratitude, I thank my Heavenly Father for the gift of my life and being a part of the lives of my husband and our children. I feel humbled and grateful that I am trusted to love them and teach them what I can. I pray that I will live up to the promises I made before arriving to this earth. I am also thankful for my Savior and for the Atonement which allows me to repent of my wrong doings and heal not only myself by also for the healing of those I have hurt in any capacity. We are all truly blessed. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

PS I discovered a blonde moment of mine which works out great. I put the WHOLE calorie amount of 'chicken scampi' into my page and I only ate half of it! Whoops. That means I was UNDER the amount needed. High five! This is huge for me.

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